25 May 2015

Bihar's Opposition- condoning manslaughter?

A few days ago, the local newspapers in Bihar carried reports of a burn victim dying a painful death because the ambulance carrying her was caught up in a ‘traffic jam’ on the rickety Mahatma Gandhi Setu, the bridge that joins Patna to North Bihar.

The woman died because the Home Guards, an auxiliary security force, had blocked the bridge in protest. They were demanding benefits from the Bihar Government. These men turned a deaf ear to the pleas of the ambulance driver and the people who were in the ambulance. They wilfully obstructed an ambulance that according to law had the absolute right of way. If anybody is to be held responsible for the death of that woman, it is the organizers and the men from the Home Guards who were obstructing traffic. Logic says that a criminal case should have been slapped on them.

 It was sickening to read reports in the newspapers the next day, where the protestors, backed by the opposition BJP sought to blame the state government for the woman's death.  Was this a sick joke? By what stretch of warped logic could one come to such a conclusion? Worse still, the papers who faithfully carried the statement, so far haven't had the decency to question the logic even on the editorial pages!
Have our politicians sunk so low? Is heckling the government and encouraging others to do so their only game?  You condone uncivilized and brutish behaviour -such as the obstruction of an ambulance carrying a burn patient in a critical condition on a hot summer’s day - on the one hand, and complain of ‘Jungle raj’ returning to Bihar on the other!

 The BJP (and others in the opposition)  would have done the  honourable thing if they had strongly taken on  the government  for  going soft on the ringleaders, and failing to punish the fellows who were actually responsible for manslaughter because they obstructed the ambulance, with the full knowledge that the patient inside would die unless she received immediate treatment.
Why are two separate issues being muddied up? And why is the present government and the administration letting this happen? Why hasn't the Nitish Kumar administration really shown some 'testosterone' and booked a couple of those protestors for manslaughter?  

Why is it that whenever there is some 'political' support, a 'legitimate' protest becomes an occasion to threaten, beat-up, smash and vent anger on inanimate objects and harmless individuals?
The right to lawful protest is one thing, causing harmful obstruction and destroying government and private property are entirely different. They are cowardly, criminal offences.
Why are all political parties blind to this? 'This is an election year' isn't the right answer!


Author: Frank Krishner


allenbhai said...

coorrect. this whats happening all over the country, arnab goswami of times now has started a great campaing against vvip culture. send report to him on aap

allenbhai said...

coorrect. this whats happening all over the country, arnab goswami of times now has started a great campaing against vvip culture. send report to him on aap