05 June 2007

An art student's protest

Ragging has suddenly become the hot topic of debate, with Indians seeing it as an oppressivbe practice. in the US, 'pledging' or joining a fraternity at college has similar and even more bizarre practices, but nobody becomes so protective there.
Stripping off one's clothes and doing crazy things are all part of the 'dare'.
In India, however, the cultural, sociologocal, political and caste consepts and the Victorian legacy rolled into one make the practice of hazing a very grey area. Several unfortunate cases have come to light. A section of the students feel it's prudishness and stupidity on the part of the 'no-ragging activists'. Victims and their families have a different take, especially when some first year students ended up dead.
Prashant, a student from the Government college of Arts and Crafts, Patna, Bihar exhibited a painting aptly entitled 'First Year' which sought to communicate his own feelings when he had undergone a similar 'initiation' as a fresher in College.
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